by Becca ClarkeLeave a Comment on More Quarantine Books – June Wrap Up
Well here we are…a delayed Month Wrap up. But I have to share my small little stack of reads from last month (as well as the honorable mentions) because they are just that good. This month’s reads seemed to come from the Universe at the most optimal timing. They gave me a new world to be enveloped in when honestly my world wasn’t where I wanted to be. They had extremely relatable themes/feelings/moments that, had I not been experiencing Month Four of a Pandemic and self-isolating, I never would have appreciated them. It was just a good month of little reading.
Also read: Thanks for the Bucketlist #2
** possible spoiler alert/LONG review- ** Upon finishing all I could think is, “Woah.” I live for a prequel and especially from the POV of a character that is the undeniable villain. I did have mixed feelings after finishing but overall would recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the original trilogy. I see why people dislike it but I loved it overall despite it’s minor downfalls in comparison to the original books.
It was different from the others in that it was much slower paced and it seems quite long. What drives the original books is Katniss’ (amongst other’s) urgency to survive. The protagonist, a young Snow, in 手机vnp的服务器怎么填simply doesn’t have that in this prequel. The urge to succeed and live up to a old, family, destiny is what drives it and it is massive.
Like I read in another review, the philosophy behind the games, society, war, etc is one of the biggest contributors. While there in the OG books, they are not as important. This is what I LOVED. I was highly intrigued by how the early Hunger Games evolved, the specific events that heavily altered Snow’s perspective of Panem, humanity, and the Games. As well as the overall evolution to the world that we know from the OGs.
Little details of Snow’s persona and character, that as a reader you speculate about in the OG trilogy, is what made this book so exciting. To see where his fascination with Roses came from, his consistent mocking of young love, his philosophy of the districts and the rebels, his involvement in the games, and ultimately where his drive for keeping power and control are all revealed in little moments.
I would agree that the romance was eh, but I think that was Collin’s intention. It was another puzzle piece to Snow’s evolvement to the man who understands but has no empathy for human connections and emotions. A man who knows how to take advantage and hurt people.
References to the OG trilogy, in my mind were used to connect the two times together and to enhance Snow’s general dislike towards Katniss, District 12, and the rebel movement. Why Katniss’ actions such as her subtle, and sometimes unknowing, defiance and her song were especially infuriating to Snow. It may have been a shoutout to fans but still effective.
Character wise I adored Lucy, the entire Covey clan, and Tigris (of course). I was worried with becoming too understanding and forgiving of Snow, but if anything his character has become much more dynamic and evil in my opinion.
All in all, this book was enjoyable. It had its moments and was difficult to read at some points, especially considering what is currently prevalent in our world. It is not for those fans simply wanting to relive the OGs with different characters. I still highly respect Collin’s as a writer and will be adding this book to my shelf permanently. 🙂
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Also read: Quarantine Books (March in Books)
Wow wow wow. What a glorious book full of poetical prose, beautiful metaphors, a thought provoking storyline with a mystery and twists, and characters you can’t help but feel like they are a part of you. Highly highly recommend.
This book has been on my TBR for a long time, and honestly, I was losing interest in waiting. But I am so glad that I finally read this, especially now, as the reality of loneliness is so prevalent during the COVID lockdown. I found it comforting to relate to Kya. She is an extremely dynamic character and I loved her view and understanding of the world around her. I cannot express enough to everyone I gush about this book to, how well timed this book came into my life. I was reminded of the power of books again. I went from feeling completely isolated, sad, and feeling a lack of beauty around me but Kya and the marsh changed that.
The pure descriptions of the nature around Kya is phenomenal. And of course, I come to find out that Ms. Owens is a nature writer herself. Of course. While indulging in a storyline, which I love doing, I learned quite a bit as well, which I am grateful for.
This book is full of themes of nature, preservation, family, abandonment, the true meaning of human connection, love, prejudice: both racial and societal, human drive, and all the in-between. Anyways, it was beautiful. I can’t stop thinking and feeling gratitude for it. (Really my friends, the Universe knew I was going to need this.)
“You can read, Kya. There will never be a time again when you can’t read.” “It ain’t just that.” She spoke almost in a whisper. “I wadn’t aware that words could hold so much. I didn’t know a sentence could be so full.” He smiled. “That’s a very good sentence. Not all words hold that much.”
-Delia Owens Where the Crawdads Sing
Also read: I am Completely Fine…
My Kindle has become my constant companion…
Honorable Mentions are….
THE TENANT OF WILDFELL HALL by Anne Brontë -this one I started months ago. It has been my filler read – as I jump from book to book, and just not in the mood for the one I’m currently focused on, I switch over to this one. Slowly hacking away at it but it’s SO GOOD.
ALEXANDER HAMILTON by Ron Chernow – this one is a BEAST. I started it months ago and unfortunately had to return it to the library before making a significant dent. During COVID I have discovered library ebooks and how wonder the Kindle is (especially with Biographies…I’ll share later…) Anyways, I’ve made a dent. It has taken up all of my reading time. I have LOVED it and can’t wait to finish and share my thoughts! (Hopefully next month’s wrap up…)
Anyways, please drop any thoughts you had on these books in the comments! I would love love to start up a discussion!
And as always… Thanks for the Adventure, Books. ❤
A delayed wrap up of two incredible reads. Absolutely perfect reads, that the Universe just knew I had to delve into this past month.
by Becca Clarke
*written July 3, 2023* Welp. It is my 25th Birthday. Birthdays are either one of two things – an unforgettable day with an exorbitant amount of anticipation leading up to it or a day that’s just a day. It marks a new chapters but not a lot of hub bub happens. I hate planning a […]
by Becca Clarke
A wannabe blogger letting go. Turns out I’m not a wannabe 😉
by Becca Clarke
Bucketlist, Life, Uncategorized
by Becca Clarke3 Comments on 25 Adventures – A Birthday Bucket List
*written July 3, 2023*
Welp. It is my 25th Birthday.
Birthdays are either one of two things – an unforgettable day with an exorbitant amount of anticipation leading up to it
a day that’s just a day. It marks a new chapters but not a lot of hub bub happens.
I hate planning a day for myself. I live for surprises and I am pretty sure my love language is through actions and words. (This girl don’t need no expensive gifts, just a planned, happy, little, moment…)
Anyways like many throughout the world, this year’s birthday has been thrown for a loop with the worldwide pandemic. My quarter life day of celebration will always be remembered thanks to a little virus that, unfortunately, means I will be most likely be spending at home without friends a family around. It is OK. But still a little sad.
So today I am going bask in the beauty. I will eat sushi and red velvet cake. I will not work. I will talk to family and friends. Then I will probably end my day eating more cake and watching the new Hamilfilm 🙂 While I wish I could be traveling somewhere or have all of my special people with me, it will still be a special day.
To top it all off I want to list 25 Bucketlist items for this next year of life.
Go on a solo trip – I know that’s a lot, especially now, but ya girl has that travel bug and cannot wait for the world to be safe again.
Travel to a new country – I missss international travel. This bucket list item will always be on every list that I create
Change my perspective of myself – it is currently very degrading and hyper critical. Not okay.
Love more freely
Some things are specific, some are cryptic. Some are silly and some are deeep. But I believe that if I intend on spending the next 365 days of my life with these little goals in my head, they will all happen. I am so grateful for my little day. I am so grateful for my life and I hope to add more to it, be my best self and help others in the process. So here’s to the next chapter in Becca’s life.
And don’t forget : Black Lives Matter / Breonna Taylor was murdered / racism is real / vote / love is love / wear a mask / respect each other/ we can get through this together
Thanks for the Adventure, 25.
Life, Uncategorized
by Becca Clarke3 Comments on Thoughts by a Wannabe Not So Wannabe Blogger
Wow. The world has changed so much but also so little in 2023. It is not as if these new issues, new changes, new challenges are barely emerging but more that they have come to light. Humanity, our society, as a whole has been put under a spotlight. I haven’t liked what I have seen or felt. It overwhelms me and saddens me. I am glad that certain things are now being more publically fought for and change is being demanded but it is a lot to comprehend all at once. It is a lot to find a place and purpose in all of it.
I highly contemplated disconnecting from the internet completely – to avoid the stress and pressure to appear real, genuine, kind while being politically intelligent and correct. I have always felt apprehensiveness in promoting my own contributions to the internet, but especially now is it harder to share.
Also Read:Thanks COVID-19 pt. 3 (And Easter)
I have been at a loss at what to do concerning this little corner of the internet that I created for myself. I had a vision of it being a fun, full of light, place where I could share and experiment and help people while possibly make some money while doing it. But it is also easy to lose that vision to all the other feelings that appear when you share yourself to others.
I have never considered myself a writer, as I have never embodied or related to the “writer stereotype” you see on TV, in books, and at school. You know that person who is constantly working on their next debut novel and/or majoring in Creative Writing in college. I consistently received B’s and C’s for my papers in school. I majored in Music, avoiding as many classes that involved writing. Probably because I hate editing and revising while sticking standards. I don’t want to write a book or the next news breaking article.
I get passionate about things, ideas, books, and excited about my adventures on trips. And sharing those things usually turn into words in a text or an instagram caption. Those photos and videos that captured memories that I still dream about sit on my phone and I just have to share them. Because they make me happy.
This blog, when I started it 7 years ago on (remember that??) was intended to be another journal of sorts. But one that was visually pleasing, reader engagement-based, and even business-like. Full of consistently planned posts and Pinterestable graphics – essentially a journal worth the public reading. But it turns out that is not realistic nor interesting to me.
But you know what? I refuse to let all of these feelings of self-doubt and fear stop me. I LOVE to write. I love my little blog and this corner of the internet that I have created here at this website and on my social media profiles. I love sharing and seeing other people’s thoughts and art. I love learning from other human beings. But it is also fun. I enjoy writing these posts, designing graphics and headers. I enjoy posting and commenting and using this corner for good even if it only reaches one person, myself, per post. Well I enjoy it without the self added pressure.
I’m going to keep doing this – whether I have readers or likes. I am no longer going to worry about money or stats. I will start disengaging from the millions of articles titled “How to Build a Blog in 2023” and “How I Made X Amount of Money in 3 Months BLOGGING” on Pinterest. Now don’t get me wrong, when those things increase or I am inspired by these articles I feel an immense amount of joy and drive for this corner. There is also validation in my hard work. But mostly I love meeting new people and feeling that my world extends farther than my bedroom desk, especially now. I would rather have that fuel my work.
So… Thanks for the Adventure, Blog. I knew that this process would be hard at times and require some soul searching occasionally. But it’s worth it. I am excited to see where this goes. I am excited to share, create, research, read. I am excited to be publically passionate and supportive of other artists and writers. What a world 🙂
by Becca Clarke3 Comments on I Have White Privilege and I Acknowledge It
First things first.
Racism in America exists. Systematic racism in America exists. Parts of the government are corrupt. There are problematic and dangerous police procedures. Oppression of human beings based on the color of their skin has been an active part of the societal norm for generations, and it is still the case in modern-day.
White Privilegeis not the suggestion that you, as a white human being, have not suffered or struggle or that you have not worked hard for your accomplishments. White Privilegeis an unearned, and usually unacknowledged, social advantage that you as a white human being have simply because of the color of your skin. Your skin color has not been the cause of your hardships. It also means that you have the power to remain silent or retreat from a movement that makes you uncomfortable. It allows you to choose when and where to take a stand.
I have privilege. I am a white, middle-class, educated, woman. I have WhitePrivilege. I feel guilt over the feelings I have felt when someone posts, “Check your privilege.” Because the truth is I never have before. I need to. I have been part of the problem and simply followed the subconscious teachings of the society that I grew up in.
I am sorry. And while some may say that I shouldn’t feel like I have to apologize, I do because there are now moments that I see now how my privilege is a constant in my American way of life. I see how it pushed me in front of my POC schoolmate. Or how my privilege allowed me to always never doubt that if I work hard for it, I will receive the opportunities I earned – without my race getting in the way. I did not realize before, now I do.
I thank those who have been outspoken and informative in these past few weeks and who have called me out. Both in general and personally. As uncomfortable it has made me feel in moments, or how scared I have been to point out racism in someone’s who does not seem to understand.
No matter how much my empath heart hurts, it does not compare to the hurt and fear that my oppressed and persecuted brothers and sisters deal with, and have dealt with for generations. I absolutely cannot understand what it is like to be black in today’s America. Systematic racism is real. You cannot deny it. So instead I will vow to not be neutral and stand with you. I vow to listen. I vow to educate myself and look towards a brighter future. I stand with you and for you.
I acknowledge this privilege that I have. I check it. I will listen. I will unlearn the subconscious ideas and teachings that is around.
No one. No one deserves to feel hurt, pain, fear, lose a loved one, or lose their own potential and even life just because of the color of their skin. No one deserves to suffer through prejudice.
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Here are some articles that I have found or have been shared to me in the past few days. Please share more resources in the comments! I would very much appreciate it.
White Privilege learning specific resources—–
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh – originally published in the Freedom Magazine in 1989 *This article seems to be the “mother” of white privilege essays. McIntosh has been credited for coining this idea and being the first to speak openly about it. Research Peggy. She is fascinating and has many writings about activism, anti-racism and gender equality.
What is White Privilege, Really? by Cory Collins for Teaching Tolerance Magazine *There are even more articles sourced throughout
A White Friend Asked Me on Facebook to Explain White Privilege. I Decided to be Honest by Lori Lakin Hutcherson in Yes! Magazine. Originally published in Good Black News
Resource Lists——
Yes! Magazine
How You Can Be an Ally to the Black Lives Matter Movementfrom Great Big Story *This is mainly a list of resources for more self-education – books to read, podcasts to listen to, etc. As well as a list of places to donate.
Scaffolded Anti-Racist Resources – document *Another compiled list of resources of all types.
This is such a small list to what is out there. These just are the ones that I have read myself, recently, and some of the people who I personally follow . There are so many resources, things to read, listen, watch, available. There are so many people to follow, listen, and learn from.
Books, Bucketlist, Uncategorized
Quarantine Books / Month 2
by Becca ClarkeLeave a Comment on Quarantine Books / Month 2
I am honestly blown away with how quickly the time, days, weeks, and months are passing through this pandemic, and priorities seem to change on a daily basis. Hence, why posts haven’t necessarily been happening on this platform. But that is OKAY (at least that’s what I tell myself…)
My reading has slowed down quite a bit. I have found a new daily grind and sadly it includes way too much time on my social media apps on my phone instead of reading or creating music. I think it is that desire to connect that everyone is talking about?? That being said, posts are planned and will be posted. I hope someone will read them…
Get ready for some literary gushing…This book was an absolute gem to read and I am oh-so-grateful for my bestie, Diana, and the Fantastic Stranglings Bookclub by the Jenny Lawson. I am so glad I read this when I did because I discovered that two of my Top Shelf Vocal gals were also reading it. We started our own little book club over email and it made my heart happy.
Overall, the vibe of the book is funny and realistic with some dark paranormal elements that may or may not be real… The reader spends an entire summer/school year with a high school field hockey team in the 80s. There is every 80s reference one could want as well as teen topics that we all have dealt with. There are hints of feminism, the importance of friendship, and what happens when teen girls grow up. Even though I suffered through high school in the 2010s, I felt that the issues and situations were still very relatable (even now in adulthood) and the jokes were genuinely funny. I was lol-ing in just about every chapter.
The writing was astounding. At first, I had a hard time following the flow. There always seemed to be a lot going on at once without much direction. It wasn’t until I had realized that the POV was not from any one character, or even as third-person, but from the team as a whole. Their entire psyche was connected and telling the story. It added to the vibe and created a seamless storyline.
The characters were the biggest gems (other than the writing). I highly related to Becca, because…the name 😉 and big boob probs. I had definitely worn more than one sports bra to PE and was a proud, secret, member of the BBC (Big-Boobs-Club.) I also loved and related to Julie, since I too grew up in a conservative household, and I thought her very funny. I LOVED that “The Claw” and “Splotch” were their own beings and characters and the “Philip” situation/resolution was to die for.
The setting of the Boston North Shore brought me joy since the previously mentioned bestie is from there. I fell in love with the area when I visited years ago and I miss said bestie. So it was like having her closer, especially since she gifted the book club subscription!
All this being said…I loved it and was genuinely surprised that I loved it so much. My favorite Quarantine Read so far. Boom. You go Quan Barry.
“Hit the Earth three times with your stick. Lift your eyes to the hole in the night. Remember that darkness simply requires another way of seeing. Be your own light. And just like that, you’ll find yourself everywhere and instantly.”
Read I am Completely Fine…
An absolute classic that, surprisingly, I had never read before…
While not my most favorite Austen novel, it had all the qualities and characters that you can’t help but love in her works.
In my experience, every Austen novel is slow for the first hundred pages or so with long and expressive character development. Some necessary and some of it not. This book seemed to be extremely slow with it not capturing my excitement until the last hundred pages. The ending had the elements that I was hoping for but it seemed sudden and not satisfying. Not like P&P.
The characters were not my favorite and quite annoyed me really. The only redeeming one was Fanny Price, who may be my favorite heroine so far. I absolutely loved her and personally related to her. She had growth and thoughts that have been recorded in my little quote book.
I will say, the 1999 film rendition was absolute perfection, which I watched immediately after finishing the book. While straying from the book it still had that “Austen” essence. Fanny, in the film, was much more outgoing and outspoken. She had much more personality, which made me like her much more in general, but I was still in love with Austen’s original Fanny Price. Scenes were cut or reordered, but it allowed the flow and the themes to shine more. The humor was there and the men were oh-so-dreamy.
Overall, Mansfield Park‘s storyline was very similar to P&P, in my opinion, but still worth reading. There is nothing quite like Jane Austen on a rainy day.
“Her own thoughts and reflections were habitually her best companions.”
Read To All the… (a book review and a love note)
*DISCLAIMER* – My reasoning behind reading this novel was based on the fact that I adore the movie. So much so that I purchased the DVD in college, despite not owning a playing device at the time. Also, Robert Pattison is a dream and Reese Witherspoon is a queen.
This was a nice, blissful, read. I love romantic period/historical books and movies so I was already sold to begin with. The storyline feels complete with the characters, events, the climax, and the ending. I will say that I loved the book’s switching back and forth in time in Jacob’s POV.
Jacob, Rosie, and the minor circus characters were by far my favorites. August was an alluring but somewhat boring villain and Marlena was kinda “eh” for me. Jacob was a lovable protagonist who had growth, both in the storyline of his past and future. I especially loved his kooky, somewhat negative, but sweet older self. Rosie was just a joy and I wish she had more moments in the book.
The themes were subtle but very apparent. Animal abuse, human cruelty, human kindness, family – both by blood and chosen, sex, growing up, circus (or outsider) culture, were among the few. There wasn’t one stand-out theme overall but they did add to the story. Overall it was an enjoyable read, simple in some ways but still good. Admittedly, I still like the movie better…
“Keeping up the appearance of having all your marbles is hard work, but important.”
“Life is the most spectacular show on Earth.”
Read Thanks for the Bucketlist #2
Although sometimes I have added a pressure to “read faster” and “read more,” because of my little Bucketlist goal – Books have still been a joyous thing to have. I love stories and different worlds. And sometimes delving into a different one is quite necessary.
Go enjoy the sun, Spring/Summer seems to be coming. Read more. Call more. Write more. Listen more.
Anyways, as always…
Thanks for the adventure, (Quarantine) Books.
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Life, Uncategorized
Thanks COVID-19 pt. 3 (And Easter)
by 中国怎么上ins1 Comment on Thanks COVID-19 pt. 3 (And Easter)
It was an absolutely lovely day, despite having no sun or family around like normal Easter Sunday’s have been. I did lots of baking and cooking, listened to Handel’s Messiah in its entirety, and rewatched classics like 中国怎么上insand Harry Potter. I was raised very religiously so this holiday has always been pretty significant. While I have not quite continued in that path I had a lovely, spiritual, day. It allowed me to think and be grateful for what I have as well as what I believe is at the core of the Easter and Passover Season:
Anyways, it’s the little things. I may be pulling and stretching more and more to see the light in all this. But I’m glad I am.
Back to the normal, chronological, sequence of entries…
Read 中国iphone怎么上ins
(4/1/20) The number of cases is growing. Parks are closing. More states are receiving orders to shelter in place. Politics are exploding. I’ve stopped checking the news as much. There is a new “normal.”
While there doesn’t seem to be a shift in the trajectory of this virus and how it’s spreading and how many are being affected, I have felt a shift in my own perspective today. I don’t know if it is because it is the start of a new month or even feeling the weather become warmer (which makes me happier in general.)
It made me start thinking: when I wasn’t afraid of going to the grocery store or any sort of physical touch from anyone, how did I live? I just lived. Mind you, life was still hard and scary but for different reasons. This pandemic requires the same amount of strength that I have used against struggles against my mental health, the unknown and fears of my future, and even against other illnesses. Everyone has this strength in them, and I am starting to see it more and more. We all go through hard things and come out on top.
I anticipate that we will be in this strange state of a “paused life” for more time than was originally thought. But I also see a positive outcome. Don’t get me wrong, I am heartbroken for those who are sick, struggling financially, or have lost loved ones because of this. I don’t have much control over what I am capable of doing to aid some of that pain. I am staying home and use extreme precautions, and that is honestly one of the best things to do. I am trying to reach out more and more to friends and family. I am trying to create a positive and healthy place around me.
I am appalled when I see posts and pictures of my friends in other states and social distancing are not being done. I am terrified that my sister’s coworker claimed all of this is a hoax and is insisting on having parties and still coming to work. Meanwhile, she is sick and waiting to receive her test results back.
There is still fear. There will still be anger felt. But all we can do is do our best, stay at home, and live.
Read Thanks COVID-19 pt. 2
(4/10/20) Welp, it’s been a while…I haven’t felt super strong emotions, and fear, as I had been feeling at the beginning of the pandemic here in California, USA. There’s been a new normal that has been established, and a silver lining that I have found.
I am trying to become more in tune and in love with myself, my body, my dreams, and my reality. These things I have always tried to make a priority, but everything in life had seemed too busy. Kind of like a TV character standing in the middle of a busy intersection as cars, pedestrians, dogs, and bikers stream by. Moving so quickly that they are just streaks of colors, meanwhile the main subject is standing still.
But that silver lining that I mentioned before, is the time and the calmness at home to really enjoy those things. To really focus on me, but also really focus on those closest to me.
I mentioned it in the previous entry, but there is a new normal and even more so now. Because it is so, everything is not so scary. I know what I need to do to be safe and sane in all of this.
I wake up every day with the sun. No alarm. The earlier I fall asleep the night before the earlier I wake up, but it’s become later and later as I spend every late-night watching Netflix with my best friend over speakerphone, which I much prefer over early morning. Even Jasper is jiving with my new schedule and likes to cuddle and sleep in until 9 every morning.
I still make my bed, as it makes things feel put together and clean. I get into my workout clothes. Sometimes I eat breakfast first or I go out on a run, depending on the day. If it’s sunny, which it usually is except for this past week… I do some yoga in the backyard. The rest of my days are sprinkled with writing here, work, online window shopping, Instagram browsing, reading, practicing, Zoom calls, Snapchat, Podcasts, and lots of music. Some days I wear makeup. Sometimes I curl my hair. Every night I talk to someone on the phone, whether that be family or close friends. Not so much for them, but for my own selfish, lonely, feelings.
I like this slower pace but I am starting to miss the busy. But I truly think once all of this starts making a positive turn, life will not simply go back to the way it was. I think I will be less “busy,” but with more things that I enjoy. In this isolation period, I am missing things that I had previously felt “burnt out” of, such as serious music practice and classical music in general. I am feeling more motivated to “self-brand” myself and really do the things that I love, without shame. I feel an entrepreneur spirit. The little things are now bigger.
Overall, I feel more the effects of these “silver linings” and I am very much grateful for it. I am feeling guilt over my gratitude over this dire situation the entire world is in. So I am determined to keep being the best “me” I possibly can be to try and combat those feelings, as I feel very little control over the situation and my ability to add significant aid to others.
So I hope these little meager posts are helpful or simply a break to someone. I hope there is some beauty and silver linings in your life right now. We can do this, World. And what a beautiful place it’ll be.
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Please please please share a comment! Follow the blog! I would love to follow back! This sharing thing is scary at times, but so worthwhile when I connect with others through it. Especially now. Anyways, lots of love and hope for health and safety to all of you.
Stayed tuned for a travel blog/vlog next!
Can’t wait? Read Thanks for the Memories Taiwan (Part 1)
Thanks for the Adventure, Corona (and Easter)
Instagram – I am constantly browsing, posting, and commenting here! (or at least it feels like it) Posting everything from blog, books, dogs, and music music music 🙂
Facebook – Blog updates and occasional Instagram content that’s too good, or simply makes me happy, to not share.
Goodreads – All things books! Full reviews are on there!
Bloglovin’ – I’m trying out this platform. You like it? Follow me! Show me why it’s worth investing in 🙂
Books, Uncategorized
Quarantine Books (March in Books)
by Becca Clarke5 Comments on Quarantine Books (March in Books)
Well…what a month. I, like many others, did not anticipate this new world and this new normal. At first, like everyone else, I thought I would have much more time to read and I reveled in it. Then about a week into self-isolation after watching the news and the global pandemic unfold, reading became harder. My anxiety levels soared and my focus turned to other things.
All in all, such good reads this month! I have to give a huge shoutout to 中国怎么上youtub (Jenny Lawson), her Fantastic Stranglings Book Club, and my best friend, Diana, who gifted me the best Christmas gift ever. Without this Book Club, I would not have survived this past, pandemic, month, and I would not have read these gems.
Why am I reading so much? (Other than just for the love of stories, books, and attempting to better myself?) Read about my Bucketlist item HERE
First off, shout out to Jenny Lawson…the copies sent out for the club were SIGNED! For whatever reason, this made my day and made me feel exponentially more special. This book was different from my typical go-to reads, despite loving true crime and history in general. But…
If you are a true crime lover or fascinated with criminology or historical cases this is a fantastic book to read.
I wasn’t quite sure what I was getting into. As I started I thought it would be the typical, dry, biography of a guy I had never heard of. Albeit it took me a while to get through this, as I would read a chapter then jump back to one of my fiction reads. But each chapter (which was an individual case) read like a narrative with all the facts and emotions both from Heinrich but also the victims and suspects. (Comparable to individual episodes in a docuseries.) Each chapter built upon each other, revealing Heinrich’s failures and triumphs. Each case and trial was exciting to read about and I felt like I was learning and immersed, instead of being preached to by the author, which happens in biographies at times. It was obviously well researched and it is well written. Overall, enjoyable to read. I loved how the pinnacle case bookended each end of the book and Dawson’s call to action in the epilogue. It is current and relevant.
Now I am waiting for the 1920s/30s period drama with Oscar Heinrich (played by Hugh Laurie possibly??) as the protagonist. Amazon? Hulu? Netflix? Who’s going to take it??
“Oscar never pursued the spotlight-it chased him. A shining light in the dark world of crime, his amazing feats in criminal investigations were unmatched during his time, and that is likely true today.” -Kate Winkler Dawson
“I am not positive that I am doing yet that for which I was created…life is a series of frustrations.” -Oscar Heinrich, quoted by Kate Winkler Dawson
A February themed post about books: 浪潮,中国领先的云计算,大数据服务商 - Inspur:2021-2-20 · 浪潮致力于成为云计算,大数据领导厂商,已经形成涵盖IaaS,PaaS,SaaS三个层面的整体解决方案服务能力,凭借浪潮高端服务器,海量存储,云操作系统,信息安全技术为客户打造领先的云计算基础架构平台,基于浪潮政务,伋业,行业信息化软件,终端产品和解决方案,全面支撑智慧城市,智慧政府,政务云,伋业云 ...
FOLLOW ME TO GROUND by Sue Rainsford
I will say, even a couple of weeks after finishing this I still can’t say whether or not I understand or loved this read. But I will say Sue Rainsford’s instagram page is one of beauty.
Well there you go! Month 1 of self-isolation was also a month fueled by the Stranglings Book Club and I am incredibly grateful for it.
I am excited for what is to come, despite all the awfulness in the world right now. I am grateful for this little corner of the internet that is mine and I can share with old and new friends.
Currently reading : WE RIDE UPON STICKS by Quan Barry
Keep up with my thoughts and feelings during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am keeping a journal series: Thanks COVID-19 pt. 2
Please share a comment! I would love to find other bloggers to follow and befriend. I am also ALWAYS in need of book (and lets be real: Netflix) recommendations.
Here’s to April!
Thanks for the Adventure, Quarantine books…
SOCIALS: Instagram – I literally live on and for this app. This is where most of the action happens.
手机vnp的服务器怎么填 – I try here…haha but will post any new blog posts!
Goodreads – All things books are here. I will update as I start and finish and occasionally read all the reviews 🙂
Follow me on Bloglovin!
Life, 中国上instagram加速软件
by Becca Clarke2 Comments on Thanks COVID-19 pt. 2
(3/19/20) Lots is happening and lots is changing very quickly. They have announced the order to stay at home in LA and California – only go out for necessities. There’s no end date which is a bit concerning.
I’ve been feeling better overall. Less anxious and scared and more accepting of the situation. My days are enjoyable. I go on a run and take jasper on walks. I read. I work a little and I eat. I do a lot of daydreaming and I avoid my phone as much as possible. I avoid reading the news.
I feel very far away from everyone and everything and I do find it hard to see an “end”. But I think everyone is feeling that way.
I am also feeling grateful and I want to take advantage of this time of isolation for self-reflection and forcing myself to slow down. I want to continue these survival habits I’ve started this past week.
I have loved the overall positive vibes coming from Instagram and the blogs I follow. I want to keep pushing out the joy in the little things that we all are forced to see now.
It’ll get better. I’ll see my people again. I will give them hugs and kisses. I will go on adventures again.
Read part 1: Thanks COVID-19
(3/28/20) It has been a hot minute, which is the most common opening line in my real journal LOL
I went to the store for the first time in over a week. It was refreshing and I felt incredibly proud of myself. I felt a bit back-to-normal after interacting with strangers.
I have my moments. I have had silent panic attacks and sometimes it seems like every night the weight of the world’s problems and my fears come crashing down. A “sorry” to my friend who has to hear it every night. But we have started saying one happy thing to each other as we say goodnight, and it’s usually that the sun came out or that we got our run/workout in. And I am oh-so grateful for those little moments before falling asleep.
I know that this entire situation will not be forever. Our society has gone through this time and time again, and we come together and become stronger because of it. I still have my fears that it won’t or that someone who is dear to me will suffer because of it. I am afraid that my vision of what I would like my life to be will not happen, because of the virus. But I will see my dear friends and loves soon enough. I will be making music, going to the beach, and having a mindless conversation with a stranger at a coffee shop register again.
What a world.
I intend on writing more. This is so therapeutic. I have met a number of new friends through the internet blog/instagram world, which is so exciting and I am so excited about it!
I seem to be feeling always a few steps behind in life right now. But that’s life right?
February flew right on by and brought back the intensity of day to day life, where I can’t necessarily sit in the grass for hours at a time divulging into a book. I wish I could, and I think I am going to make it a priority this next month to make that time for myself instead of mindlessly watching Facebook videos.
焦点分析|巨头都想做的电商生意,Facebook有备而来:中国消费者对电商工具并不陌生,即使它出现在非传统意义上的电商平台上。比如基因是即时通讯工具的微信小程序电商,又如基因是短视频的抖音小店。Facebook Shops也是类似的逻辑,尤其是在网红内容生态更成熟、离交易更近的Instagram上。 by Gail Honeyman
I am on cloud nine after finishing this book.
A little slow in the beginning, I had a harder time seeing Eleanor’s quirkiness as endearing and funny. But once I let myself be immersed in Eleanor’s world I was hooked. Every character was worth falling in love with. Eleanor’s comments and inner dialogues made me laugh out loud multiple times. There was a quote within every chapter that I was inspired by. I wanted to stay in the world of Eleanor Oliphant.
Honeyman is an incredible, emerging, author. The range of emotion throughout the novel is astonishing. There was enough laughter and light to counteract the very real and dark moments. Eleanor’s experience with depression was very very real. I found myself relating and needing to take a break from the book, because of how familiar her experience was to mine. The theme of loneliness is an important theme and should be talked about more within our society and I thank Honeyman for taking that on and making it such an integral part of the story. I think that is why so many readers love Eleanor. She shows that loneliness is real and okay. I also loved the emphasis Honeyman put on every little thing that brought joy and happiness to Eleanor. Such as noticing details during her walks to the bus stop. And the little, budding, romance made my heart skip beats. I absolutely loved it.
Anyways, I could gush more and more about this little book. I will recommend it to anyone and everyone. And while I love giving books away to share, this one will stay on my bookshelf to be reread.
“I would never have suspected that small deeds could elicit such genuine, generous responses. I felt a little glow inside–not a blaze, more like a small, steady candle.” -Gail Honeyman
You want another book review? Read: To All the… (a book review and a love note)
Even though it has been a month since I was in the world of Eleanor Oliphant, I am feeling more and more thankful for characters like hers and books like this. Characters can help us feel less alone and less isolated. Both in times where you feel symbolically alone, but also physically alone
Like Eleanor, I am completely fine…maybe not by normal standards but for Becca’s standards…I am completely fine in this new world we are living in.
I really recommend to those who want a moment of escape, since it seems we can’t even escape in our own homes, to find a book or a movie or a show or music to completely fall into. Fall into another world, even for a few moments.
I hope everyone is happy and healthy amongst all the craziness that our world is going through. And all I ask is, stay at home. Social Distance. This isn’t about you. You can make it about you by staying at home and reading a book or watching a movie or face-timing a friend. Let’s come together and flatten that curve and share some love.
Thanks for the Adventure, Eleanor
Socials : 中国上instagram加速软件 and Instagram
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Bucketlist goal: 31/52
Life, Uncategorized
Thanks COVID-19
by Becca Clarke2 Comments on Thanks COVID-19
I don’t know where I was going with this when I first started. I mostly needed a place to express my feelings and show others that they are not alone in their feelings. But I also wanted to share some positivity. Browsing social media, listening to podcasts, and talking to friends on the phone I am finding that majority of us are in the same place. Feeling the same feelings and having similar thoughts. We are just processing in our own ways. I really hope everyone is safe and healthy, as well as doing their part to fight this virus and protect those around them.
Today (3/12/20) was a big day for the United States concerning the Corona Virus, and with that brings lots of thoughts.
I have seen many post-apocalyptic movies and have read many books (such as The Giver by Lois Lowry and Anthem by Ayn Rand)…
(3/14/20) Obviously, I didn’t get all my thoughts down on paper at the moment and I’m glad I didn’t. I was full of anxiety, worry, and sadness over all of the uncertainty.
I live in Ventura County (neighboring county to Los Angeles county) and I am in LA 3-4 times a week for rehearsals and social things. Wednesday I thought we would all treat it like the “flu.” Thursday came around and I started to feel the panic myself and by evening the entire future for many people was shaken. Within one day events and rehearsals and jobs were canceled. I found myself needing to writing statements for the groups I sing in and for my online job concerning the virus. I started getting really scared and realizing that it is more than “just the flu.” I was tracking articles and browsing Facebook and getting frustrated and overwhelmed with the conflicting information, opinions, and lack of sympathy from people. It was a lot.
I want to express my thoughts in my safe little corner of the Internet because writing helps me process and feel better.
—The panic is real. While it seems a little uncalled for and extreme in some places of the country, it is ok to be worried for your family and others. That being said, it does not grant permission to be unkind and selfish. Take what you need (not more than you physically need), share with others, and connect with each other. What other time in our lifetimes has the entire world needed to ban together to support each other…oh wait we always should support each other.
Bars, Restaurants, gyms, etc. are closed in LA (except to fulfill take out orders). Still waiting on more test kits. Numbers are going to go up and I believe that it is going to get worse before it gets better.
The panic and anxiety are subsiding. I am feeling safer and a bit more motivated to take advantage of this time to better myself and my future. Whether that be mentally, physically or even financially. The first steps have to happen somewhere and some point, and sometimes over and over again. Now is the time that I am choosing to start. (Again.)
My heart is hurting for my freelancer and artist friends who are losing their chance to share their art because of the loss of gigs or students. I feel fortunate, despite losing gigs myself. But I am sure the inability to perform and rehearse will get to me eventually.
I am worried about friends and family who live far away from me. I am worried about my friends in Salt Lake City and my family throughout the country in Washington, Utah, Texas, and Virginia.
I deleted Facebook off my phone, and it has been a lifesaver. No more stress over the misinformed and opinionated and judgment filled posts. Instead, I check it once a day and only see my friends at the top of my feed, which makes me happy. I am also spending less time on my phone. I have kept Instagram and I love it. My feed is full of positive posts, more credited information, music, singing, and books. Lots of books. I feel more able to control what I am absorbing through that app.
So shout out to Dayne for sharing that. That has been the one thing that has really disturbed me during the past couple of weeks. The complete lack of empathy and concern for others. It makes me anxious and sad to see.
Now is the time to acknowledge the art and beauty in our lives. Listen to your favorite music, discover some new music. Look at some art and read some poetry. Humans are incredible and it is interesting that people are turning to art and artists during this time. Whether that be through their TV, books, Spotify, etc. I am loving listening to podcasts and music. I am reading more and more. But I haven’t gotten into Netflix yet. For whatever reason, within the past year, I have not enjoyed watching TV. Although I am super excited about the free Metropolitan Opera broadcasts this week…